Title of Project: Brighton Food Systems: Exploring household and community food practices
Name of Researcher and School: Jessica Horne, University of Sussex Business School
C-REC Ref no: ER/JMH52/5
I consent to participating in the short survey-style interview, focus group, food photo diary exercise, or food mapping exercise (please delete as applicable).
I agree to being photographed, audio-recorded and this data to be stored within UoS servers.
I agree to making myself available to be contacted about further research activities.
I understand that I will be given a transcript of data concerning me for my approval before being included in the write up of the research, if requested.
I understand that I have given my approval for the name of my town/community to be used in the final report of the project, and in further publications.
I understand that confidentiality cannot be guaranteed for information which I might disclose in focus groups.
I understand that any information I provide is confidential, and that no information that I disclose will lead to the identification of any individual in the reports on the project, either by the researcher or by any other party.
I have read the information sheet, had the opportunity to ask questions and I understand the principles, procedures and possible risks involved.
I understand that my personal data will be used for the purposes of this research study and will be handled in accordance with Data Protection legislation. I understand that the University’s Privacy Notice provides further information on how the University uses personal data in its research.
I understand that my participation is voluntary, that I can choose not to participate in part or all of the project, and that I can withdraw at any stage of the project without being penalised or disadvantaged in any way.
I agree to take part in the above University of Sussex research project
Brighton Food Systems: Exploring household and community food practices. V2.