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Webpages and blogs
Australian Food, Society and Culture Network at the University of Sydney
An academic network exploring the ways in which food and eating practices can be examined critically and theorised using relevant socio-cultural theoretical perspectives. Members of the network are from a wide range of disciplines, including the humanities and social sciences but also marketing, nutrition, medicine, public health and health policy.
Graduate Association for Food Studies (GAFS)
The official graduate student caucus of the Association for the Study of Food and Society. GAFS is an interdisciplinary academic community with the goals of connecting graduate students interested in food and promoting their work. The Association publishes the digital Graduate Journal of Food Studies and hosts the Future of Food Studies conference.
Food Studies Research Network
A research network exploring agricultural, environmental, nutritional, social, economic, and cultural perspectives on food.
SOAS Food Studies Centre
An interdisciplinary research centre at SOAS, University of London, dedicated to the study of the political, economic, and cultural dimensions of food, historically and in the contemporary moment, from production, to exchange, to preparation, to consumption.
Sugar Rush
A blog exploring the social life of sugar in contemporary society.
Joanne Hollows
A freelance writer and researcher specialising in food cultures, domestic cultures and feminism and popular culture.
A food and culture newsletter based in the UK and India, edited by Jonathan Nunn, Sharanya Deepak and Rebecca May Johnson. Each season, it runs themed deep dives into aspects of food culture by different writers, from regional chippie guides to food in care homes.
A public research project led by Dr Anna Sulan Masing and Chloe-Rose Crabtree, aimed at developing lines of inquiry into our relationships with food and drink.
Sowing Roots
A project led by researchers Dr Ekua McMorris and Dr Elizabeth Cooper to explore the history of the gardening cultures and traditions that Caribbean people carried with them when they moved to the UK after World War II: from breadfruit, provision grounds, and botanical gardens, to chocho, ackee and the green spaces of South London. It was put together in collaboration with the Garden Museum Head.
Dr. Psyche Williams-Forson
Professor and Chair of the Department of American Studies at the University of Maryland College Park. Dr. Williams-Forson is known for her pioneering work in Black food studies and has published articles numerous on this aspect of the material lives of African Americans in the United States from the late 19th century to the present. This includes topics like Black women, food, and power; food and literature; food and sustainability; race, food, and design thinking; eating and workplace cultures; as well as the historical legacies of race and gender (mis)representation, with (and without) food, and more.
A collaboration between the University of Oxford, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Wageningen University and Research, aiming to facilitate discussions about how the food system can become sustainable, resilient, just, and ultimately “good”.
Gastronomica: The Journal for Food Studies
A peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, international journal publishing critical, translational studies on food. Includes examinations of historical trends and transformations in food and eating; analyses of the political, economic, and social dimensions of food production and consumption; research briefs on emerging issues in fields related to food research and innovation; and interviews with key figures in the world of food (scholars, activists, producers, and consumers).
A blog by Sustain, an alliance of organisations and communities working towards a better system of food, farming and fishing, and cultivating the movement for change.
A food system podcast by TABLE.
Racist Sandwich
Hosted by Stephanie Kuo and Juan Diego Ramirez, Racist Sandwich explores the ways food, class, race and gender intermingle.
The Full English
Podcast series expanding and enriching many of the themes covered by Vittles. Served by a variety of voices including academics, farmers, food writers, critics, historians, anthropologists and journalists The Full English explores what English food actually is.
The Checkout
Hosted and produced by two Organic farming and food industry lifers, The Checkout centers the voices and efforts of essential workers on the frontlines of our food system. It expands the horizon of what is what is necessary to create a just, equitable and progressive food system: organic food, racial equity and worker power. Check out Episode 13 with Dr Naya Jones Dr. Naya Jones on Food Sovereignty and Collective Healing .